Questions from: "Algebra and Trigonometry" by James Stewart.
Started in late 2023, I have finished chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, and 13 on Equations and Graphs, Functions, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Analytic Trigonometry, and Sequences and Series respectively.
MIT’s OpenCourseWare courses on 18.01SC Single Variable Calculus and 18.02SC Multivariable Calculus.
For the former, I have completed Part A of the 1st out of 5 sections which covered the basic rules of differentiation and Part A of the 1st out of 4 sections for the latter which covered Vectors, Determinants and Planes. Completion included worked examples for each session, recitation questions, watching lectures, and the problem set for each part.
MITx 6.431x course on Probability.
I obtained a mark of 78% for the 16 weeks course from 3/9/2024 to 23/12/2024 alongside my degree studies. The course covered 26 lectures, 10 problem sets and 3 exams. Certificate.
MIT’s 18.06SC Linear Algebra course.
I have finished Unit I out of 3 units which covered the matrix equation Ax=b and the Four Subspaces.